DHTML - Calenders  (Total: 6)

Basic calendar  (29/12/2005)
If you need a simple, elegant calendar to display the current days of the month, Basic Calendar is an excellent script for the purpose. Uses CSS to allow easy changing to its appearance, everything from calendar dimensions, colors, down to the font used to highlight the current day.

Dynamic Calendar II  (29/12/2005)
An extremely versatile DHTML calendar that's functional in IE4+ and NS6+.

Dynamic Calendar  (29/12/2005)
JavaScript calendars have existed for a long time now, but never have they looked pretty (literally), until DHTML came along. Check out Constantin's cool DHTML calendar, which not only looks handsome, but allows you to dynamically look up the calendar for any particular month/ year (by pressing the "Prev Next" buttons). Cool! p.s: Dont forget to check out Dynamic Drive's DHTML calculators, which look equally stunning when compared to their JavaScript counterparts...

IE5 Proprietary Calendar  (29/12/2005)
Straight from the abnormally large brains of Microsoft developers comes this script. Utilizing IE 5's support for DHTML behaviors, Microsoft has made this highly stable and attractive calendar script for those needing a calendar to use on their site. Functional in IE 5 and up, and invisible to all other browsers. Three cheers to our masters!

Popup Calendar  (29/12/2005)
Does your form contain INPUT box(es) that require a date value from the visitor? Sev's Popup Calendar script allows for a visual, interactive way of selecting and inputting this date, rendering the job of your visitor reaching for a physical calendar to find out the date (whether for today's or otherwise) obsolete. Very practical use of DHTML...

Xin's Popup Calendar  (29/12/2005)
Xin's Popup Calendar script makes inputting dates into forms as easy as point-and-click. Your user simply selects the date from a popup calendar, and it's automatically entered into the designated form field. This is one of the absolute best script of its kind, with the following noteworthy features: -Customizable date format (ie: y/m/d, m/d/y etc) -Fully customizable interface (colors, popup window dimensions etc) -Accommodation for different languages other than English and English calendar format -Fully cross browser functional- IE4+/Win, IE5+/Mac, NN4x, N6+, Opera6+/Win and Konqueror3/Linux.